F. C. Internazionale Milano S.p.A. (“Inter”) uses cookies on the website or other third party domains related to the latter (, and (hereinafter, jointly the “Website”), in order to simplify and improve your browsing experience.


Cookies are small text strings that are stored in the hard drive of your device when you access certain sections of the Website and are stored before being transmitted back to the Website on your next visit.


1) Technical Cookies

Technical cookies are necessary to allow normal navigation and access to the Website, as well as to use some of its features. These cookies do not record any personal information concerning you.

Inter uses the following technical cookies:

navigation or session cookies, which ensure normal navigation and use of the Website (for example, by allowing authentication to access restricted areas) and which are stored only for the duration of the browsing session itself. This means that when the user closes the browser, the cookies are automatically deleted without being stored on the device or computer;

functional cookies, which allow navigation according to a series of criteria selected by you (e.g. language) in order to improve your experience of the Website, by customizing the content of the web page in accordance with the type of browser you are using and according to other information that the browser automatically sends. The duration of these files exceeds the browser session and they remain stored even after you close the browser, until they expire or until you delete them (for example, in order to watch highlights, buy tickets and subscriptions you will be asked to register on the Website and then, using a cookie, we will avoid asking you for your email address and password each time you return to the Website).

The Website uses Cookiebot, a cloud service provided by Cybot A/S, which enables and facilitates the cookies management on the Website. For this purpose, Cookiebot uses a first-party technical cookie that is necessary to store your consent to the use of the several cookies on the Website, without processing any personal data concerning you. Through the Cookiebot service, only the following information is collected: IP address (anonymized), date and time of consent, the Website URL, user agent of the browser, a randomly generated encrypted anonymous key and the consent state. This information will be transferred to and stored exclusively within the European Union in a Cybot A/S’s data center.

Pursuant to applicable law, your prior consent is not required for the installation of such technical cookies. These cookies cannot therefore be disabled thorough our systems; however, using the methods indicated in the section “How to Manage and Delete Cookies” of this Cookies Policy, you can set your browser to block or receive notices regarding to the use of these cookies, but in this case some parts of the Website will not work and access to the contents will be limited.

2) Statistical or analytical cookies

These are cookies used in order to collect information, in aggregate form, about the number of users and how they visit the Website, and thus to draw up general statistics on the service and its use. These cookies do not collect information that identifies a user as all information collected via cookies is aggregated and therefore anonymous.

The Site and its subdomains use the free Google Analytics service, i.e. the web analysis service provided by Google INC. (hereinafter, “Google”) which uses the data collected to track and examine the use of the Website, to draw up reports on its functionality and to share them with other Google services. The data collected is used only to obtain information about the most visited pages, the number of visitors, the aggregate data of the visits by operating system or browser, the domain names and browser type of the computers or devices used to connect to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the parameters regarding the operating system and the computer environment you use. This information,in compliance with the applicable regulations on data transfers to non-EU countries, is stored on Google’s servers, which regulates the privacy issues. For more information click here.

The Website uses Piwik, which is an open-source web analytics software that uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Website (including your anonymized IP address) will be transmitted to and stored on Piwik’s servers in Germany. Piwik will use this information for the purpose of examining the use of the Website and compiling reports about user activity on the Website.

In accordance with the applicable law, your prior consent is not required for the installation of such third-party analytical cookies as long as they do not allow the storage of your personal data (such as your full IP address). You may, however, disable the use of such analytical cookies at any time by going to the “Review your cookies choices” section, available in the footer of the Website. Furthermore, you may disable third-party analytical cookies at any time by using the add-on available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari by following the instructions indicated in the section “How to Manage and Delete Cookies” of this Cookie Policy.

3) Profiling cookies

These cookies are used to monitor and create profiles on the user, as well as to know the user’s activity and web browsing behaviors, in order to provide advertisements that are relevant to the user’s interests. Inter uses profiling cookies to collect and store information about your interests based on your activity while browsing Website, as well as to send you advertising messages in accordance with the preferences you have expressed while browsing.

In accordance with the applicable law, user’s prior consent is always required for the installation of such profiling cookies. You may disable such profiling cookies at any time by going to the “Review your cookies choices” section, available in the footer of the Website.

4) Social networks cookies

These cookies allow you, within certain webpages (e.g. the detail of a news item), to share content from the Website you are visiting on your Facebook home or Twitter timeline.

In accordance with the applicable law, your prior consent is required for the installation of such cookies. You may disable such cookies at any time by going to the “Review your cookies choices” section, available in the footer of the Website.

5) Third-party cookies

Through the Website, cookies may be installed by third party websites and therefore not under Inter’s control. These third parties – which are different and separate from Inter – are solely and exclusively responsible for any infringement of the law or contractual regulations that may be committed in the distribution or use of the cookies installed by them. Inter has no control over the information provided by third-party cookies and has no access to such data. This information is fully controlled by the third-party companies as described in their respective privacy and cookie policies.

Should you wish to disable certain third-party cookies on the Website, you may proceed accordingly by using the links to their respective privacy policies, as listed below:

Facebook Social Plugin:

Twitter Social Plugin:

Opta Sports:

Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager:



When you access the Website, you will be shown a short notice in the form of a banner informing you of the use of cookies and allowing you to choose which types of cookies you wish to consent to. Specifically, the banner groups all the cookies found on the Website into four categories (necessary, preferences, statistics and marketing) and you can select or deselect each category, except for those necessary for the proper functioning of the Site itself. As for the cookies or other tracking tools other than the technical ones set by default, you can refuse the use of the same by clicking on the “Allow selection” button at the bottom right of the banner.You may also set your own preferences and/or modify the preferences previously set or revoke your consent to the use of certain categories of cookies by going to the “Review your cookies choices” section, available in the footer of the Website, at any time during each browsing experience.

We will keep track of your consent for 12 months from when you gave it through the Cookiebot technology described above. This prevents the banner from being displayed on your next visits to the Website.


a) Browser settings

Most Internet browsers accept cookies automatically. You can change your browser settings to delete cookies or prevent their automatic acceptance. If you refuse the use of cookies, this will limit our ability to provide you with personalized information and services, or some Website features may not work properly and some services may not be available. There are many ways to manage cookies; below are links to guides on cookie settings for all the main browsers:





These browsers, both in desktop and mobile versions, also allow for incognito browsing sessions, in which all new cookies are immediately deleted after closing all incognito browsing windows. In addition, during an incognito session, the user's devices will not be recognized by the websites previously visited.

b) Operating system settings

Many operating systems allow you to restrict the tracking of advertising content associated with your device ID. You can change the settings directly from your device. Please consult the instruction manual of your operating system or call the respective support center for more information on how to set or change the relevant settings.

c) Further settings

You can change or remove your original consent at any time by going to the “Review your cookies choices” section, available in the footer of the Website.

For more information about cookies and to manage your preferences for third-party profiling cookies, please visit

To disable analytics cookies and prevent Google Analytics from collecting data about your browsing, you can download the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on:

If you have any questions or need further information in relation to this Cookie Policy or Inter’s use of cookies, you can contact us by email at [email protected].

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