Serie A
Daily recap: 13 February
Daily recap: 12 February
Inter vs. Monaco, training on the eve of the game
Daily recap: 21 January
Eve of Inter vs Bologna: Training session at San Siro
Daily Recap: 9 January
Supercoppa Italiana: training ahead of Inter vs AC Milan
Supercoppa Italiana: training on the eve of Inter vs. Atalanta
Training in Riyadh on 31 December
Daily recap: 12 december
Daily recap: 9 december
Daily recap: 3 december
Training on the Eve of Inter vs. Arsenal
Young Boys vs Inter: training at the Wankdorf Stadion
Daily recap: 17 ottobre
Daily recap: 16 october
Daily recap: 15 october
Daily recap: 11 ottobre
Daily recap: 30 september