MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)

Femminile, Inter - Sassuolo 3 - 0


5 feb 2023

I gol di Ajara, Karchouni e Chawinga consegnano tre punti all'Inter che sale a quota 32 in classifica


GOL: 54' Ajara Njoya (I), 59' Karchouni (I), 93' Chawinga (I)

INTER (4-2-3-1): 22 Durante (71' 12 Piazza); 25 Thøgersen, 17 Fördős, 19 Alborghetti, 13 Merlo; 34 Mihashi, 6 Santi; 33 Ajara Njoya, 5 Karchouni (71' 18 Pandini), 11 Chawinga; 9 Polli (71' 10 Bonetti,). A disposizione: 1 Gilardi, 3 Van Der Gragt, 14 Robustellini, 27 Csiszár, 35 Calegari, 37 Colonna. Coach: Rita Guarino

SASSUOLO (4-4-2): 12 Kresche; 77 Nagy (92' 33 Nowak), 85 Filangeri, 2 Philtjens, 4 Pleidrup; 20 Orsi, 10 Bellucci (62' 78 Sciabica), 28 Brustia (62' 11 Hashemi), 6 Jane; 18 Sabatino (78' 27 Monterubbiano), 26 Clelland. A disposizione: 73 Lauria, 3 Mella, 8 Pondini, 15 Brignoli, 23 Tudisco. Coach: Gianpiero Piovani

ARBITRO: Cerbasi ASSITENTI: Cleopazzo, Cardona

L'Inter di coach Rita Guarino batte il Sassuolo 3-0 e raccoglie tre punti importantissimi che portano le nerazzurre a quota 32 in classifica, a due lunghezze da Juventus e Fiorentina. Al KONAMI Youth Development Centre nella sfida valida per la 16^ giornata della Serie A TIM femminile decidono i gol di Ajara, Karchouni e Chawinga. Dopo il poker contro il Milan, le nerazzurre trovano continuità di prestazione e risultati nel match contro la formazione neroverde guidata da Gianpiero Piovani reduce dalla sconfitta contro la Roma. Inter in campo per la prima volta nel pre-partita con il kit di allenamento LeoVegas.News prima di scendere in campo con Durante tra i pali, Fördős e Alborghetti al centro della difesa, Mihashi e Santi in mediana e Ajara, Karchouni e Chawinga a supporto di Elisa Polli. Il primo tempo che si chiude a reti inviolate si gioca in equilibrio e con un buon ritmo, con la prima occasione nerazzurra al minuto 2' con la conclusione di Polli servita da Karchouni. Al 15' il tiro a incrociare di Chawinga che prova a sorprendere Kresche sul primo palo e tre minuti più tardi il tiro-cross di Merlo che chiama all'uscita il portiere neroverde. Al 22' ci prova anche Ajara che da posizione defilata non trova lo specchio della porta e poco dopo Polli che prova a sorprendere Kresche sul primo palo. A cinque minuti dalla fine del primo tempo lo squillo del Sassuolo con il tiro di Filangeri che finisce alto sopra la porta di Durante. La prima frazione si chiude con la punizione di Karchouni nel minuto di recupero.

È nella ripresa che succede tutto e l'Inter ancora una volta entra in campo col piglio giusto per portarsi a casa i tre punti. In cinque minuti le nerazzurre svoltano la partita e trovano il doppio vantaggio, grazie al gol di Ajara che al 54' gioca di velocità ed esperienza e buca la rete di Kresche e alla rete di Karchouni che dopo l'assist per la camerunese trova il gol del 2-0 approfittando di un tocco sbagliato di Filangeri. Al 71' c'è spazio per l'esordio di Alessia Piazza che rileva Durante, costretta a lasciare il campo per infortunio. Ottimo l'atteggiamento della numero 12 che si rende protagonista allo scadere con una respinta importante sul tiro di Monterubbiano. Nel recupero arriva anche il tris dell'Inter con un'azione meravigliosa rifinita dal tacco di Bonetti per Chawinga: il diagonale preciso a superare Kresche è il 13esimo centro personale in Campionato della numero 11.

Il prossimo impegno delle nerazzurre sarà la gara di Coppa Italia contro la Sampdoria, mercoledì 8 febbraio, prima della sfida di campionato contro la Roma.


93' - TRIS NERAZZURRO! Azione meravigliosa dell'Inter rifinita dal tacco di Bonetti per Chawinga: il diagonale preciso della numero 11 supera Kresche per il 13esimo centro personale in Campionato 91' - Parata di Piazza su Monterubbiano che ci riprova sulla respinta, palla fuori 88' - Destro dalla distanza di Santi, conclusione centrale bloccata dal portiere neroverde 86' - Alborghetti cerca il pallonetto ma non supera Kresche 82' Conclusione di Bonetti bloccata da Kresche 71' - Esordio di Alessia Piazza che prende il posto di Francesca Durante, per l'Inter in campo anche Bonetti e Pandini su Polli e Karchouni 62' - Parata di Durante sul tiro di Filangeri 59' - RADDOPPIO NERAZZURRO! Filangeri sbaglia il tocco per Kresche, sul pallone si avventa Karchouni che dopo l'assist trova anche il gol del 2-0! 54' - GOL DELL'INTER!!! Ajara raccoglie l'assist di Karchouni che da terra riesce ad allungare per la numero 33 nerazzurra che di velocità ed esperienza si inserisce e buca la porta di Kresche per il vantaggio dell'Inter 51' - Contropiede del Sassuolo, Jane cerca il riferimento offensivo ma Durante blocca tutto in uscita 48' - Punizione dal limite per l'Inter dopo il fallo di Filangeri su Polli: Alborgetti alla battuta, palla respinta dalla difesa neroverde 46' - Ricomincia Inter-Sassuolo, il secondo tempo si apre senza cambi per entrambe le formazioni


45+1' - Punizione di Karchouni bloccata da Kresche 45+1' - Giallo per Pleidrup 40' - Cross di Jane, stop e tiro di Filangeri alto sopra la porta di Durante 35' Polli prova a sorprendere sul primo palo Kresche, palla fuori 32' - Palla di Karchouni per Chawinga chiusa dalla diagonale di Philtjens 22' - Conclusione di Ajara che di destro ci prova da posizione defilata ma non trova lo specchio della porta 18' - Uscita di Kresche che si oppone al tiro-cross di Merlo 15' - Tiro a incrociare di Chawinga che prova a sorprendere Kresche sul primo palo servita da Polli, palla vicina al palo 5' - Alborghetti respinge il tiro di Sabatino 2' - Prima occasione per l'Inter, con Polli al tiro servita da Karchouni 1' - Comincia Inter-Sassuolo, 16^ giornata della Serie A TIM femminile

MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Marta Pandini of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with Elisa Polli during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with Lisa Alborghetti during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women scores the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the first goal with her teammates during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women scores the first goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Elisa Polli of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Elisa Polli of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Lisa Alborghetti of FC Internazionale Women gestures, in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Lisa Alborghetti of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Beatrix Fordos of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Lisa Alborghetti of FC Internazionale Women gestures, in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Lisa Alborghetti of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Lisa Alborghetti of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Francesca Durante of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Beatrice Merlo of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Beatrix Fordos of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: (R) Elisa Polli of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Irene Santi of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tabitha Chawinga of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tabitha Chawinga of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Elisa Polli of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Elisa Polli of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Irene Santi of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: FC Internazionale Women in action, focused during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Head Coach Rita Guarino of FC Internazionale Women looks on during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Team of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after winning the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Team of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after winning the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Team of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after winning the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Beatrice Merlo of FC Internazionale Women in action, embraces Tatiana Bonetti during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tabitha Chawinga of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the third goal with her teammest during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tabitha Chawinga of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the third goal with her teammest during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tabitha Chawinga of FC Internazionale Women scores the third goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tabitha Chawinga of FC Internazionale Women scores the third goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tabitha Chawinga of FC Internazionale Women scores the third goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Irene Santi of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Alessia Piazza of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tatiana Bonetti of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tatiana Bonetti of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tatiana Bonetti of FC Internazionale Women in action during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Ghoutia Karchouni of FC Internazionale Women celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Tabitha Chawinga of FC Internazionale Women warms up during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Beatrix Fordos of FC Internazionale Women warms up during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Elisa Polli of FC Internazionale Women warms up during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Lisa Alborghetti of FC Internazionale Women warms up during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Beatrix Fordos of FC Internazionale Women warms up during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Beatrix Fordos of FC Internazionale Women warms up during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Nchout Ajara of FC Internazionale Women warms up during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Irene Santi of FC Internazionale Women warms up during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 05: Lisa Alborghetti of FC Internazionale Women warms up during the Serie A match between FC Internazionale Women and Sassuolo Women at Konami Youth Development Center in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on February 05, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)

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MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 03: FC Internazionale Women extends contract to Ana Marija Milinkovic at Inter Headquarters on September 03, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)



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